mǎ qián
意思解释:(Equestrian money)一种币面铸有马图案的铜钱。 旧时医生出诊的车马费。 番木鳖。常绿乔木,叶对生,卵形或椭圆形。花绿白色,浆果球形,成熟时黄色。种子圆盘形,极毒,干燥后入药。原产印度等地。
One kind constant green tree, foliaceous opposite, egg form or intimate circle, fruit is globose, the yellow when maturity, seminal disc form, after working, be used as medicine. ② liana, foliaceous opposite, elliptic, grey is lubricious, berry is globose, after working, be used as medicine. ...
马组词、钱组词、 洗祓、总催、牵扰、悬瀑、哑钟、沮泽、指错、奥处、肠液、明习、招速、辟法、施与、溃畔、山徼、游痴、意向、下咽、鸦鬓、马钱、