xǐ fú
意思解释:(Wash Fu)古代沐浴斋戒以除灾求福的祭祀活动。
(1) ancient time goes to divide calamity unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease and powwow. is the left clear that pass · fair 18 years : Ah frame of Jiao of thin of of sword of Mu of call on! Thin Du Lang washs fourth of regret of the け that breathe out Sha Shang Deyi Yin, the Yu Miao of ~ . (2) is eliminated. Jiang Kui emerald green Lou Yin : Scar forge that Mongolian oak bites sighs of ⑵ of of ㄏ of farsighted of Pi Gui! Thin
洗组词、祓组词、 无何、五际、少进、砥才、朽下、瓦合、夸饰、固宫、光阐、旷拙、强口、忻愉、讲脸、洗脱、作复、羁贱、主音、榷务、骤革、洗祓、