shì lǚ
意思解释:(Inspect walk on)观察其行为。 察看巡行。
Cripple: Shoe of of B of graceful excuse me of this brandish magpie, borrow point to on foot. The person that does not have a leg cannot forget to walk, a blind person cannot forget to see a thing. Compare a person total to the thing that long for it is bear in mind constantly. Also make: Revive does of brilliant of Bu of ふ of of Lu of Bu brilliant sigh revive does of brilliant of Bu of vulture of of model of Bu brilliant imprint
视组词、履组词、 约度、业履、根柢、海贼、用等、峰值、红树、榆沈、施香、竺信、列子、暮春、何罗、驾薨、喜色、英岊、一帆、诠序、览察、视履、