
gēn dǐ

意思解释:(Root Di)草木的根。柢,即根。 比喻事物的根基,基础。 植根。




(The root of 1) wood. history does the Luzhong that write down · connect Zou Yang biographies : Bind Ci to use up wooden tablets or slips for writing of imprison of   Zheng Hui of  of farsighted   is like Kun Lu  to slaughter bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase Wan of formic  holding the post of  is ill! 2) compares the basis of the thing. is Zhong Changtong of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Saddle ors so  lap of  of  Gu Xing Ying complains Zi Beizhong disease of Mo of  of  of otter of  of Qiang of principle columns of a hall!

