bā chā
意思解释:(8 fork)两手相拱为叉。唐温庭筠才思敏捷,每入试,叉手构思,凡八叉手而成八韵,时号“温八叉”。宋孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷四:“﹝温庭筠﹞工于小赋,每入试,押官韵作赋,凡八叉手而八韵成。”后以“八叉”喻才思敏捷。
Also make 8 forked hands , forked hand chant , forked hand 10 thousand character , hand 8 fork , lukewarm 8 fork , Wen Bayin etc. Forked: Uglying Zheng wrings obstruct rostellum ah C of Qian of Cao of Pan Ji of Yi of ン of Song Luan of of M Xia analyse sees Du of of eddy cook a meal dust wrings of paper hesitating goody to carefully Qiao of bogus of Shun of uglying duty of of Gu Ji of discharge washing with watercolors is noisy arenaceous cough is rare 5 our !
八组词、叉组词、 野虖、泛说、黼裳、饱秣、谋首、阔佬、制举、朴秀、诛族、祠曹、自替、烂熟、江徼、险劲、在治、字幅、沙俄、同岑、哀号、八叉、