
yǔ mù

意思解释:(Herd aning enclosure for storing grain)饲养牛马的人。




(1) oxen and hores-beeasts of burden. Borrow the car in showing emperor is migratory to drive. is the left Xi that pass · fair 28 years : The core that bring wave lures of Ya of Yan of Lu   not to have the person that go, ~ of whose ~ (2) depastures the person of oxen and hores-beeasts of burden. is the left assist that pass · fair 14 years : Charm of  of dredge of Zhu of miscellaneous star of  of  of ⅰ of ァ of potato lifter of ⒃ of otter of ど of ⒐ of excuse me of  of  of bewildered of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of basketry hole letter ㄗ Zi is ill! 3) ley, grass, animal husbandry. old...

