
yī wéi

意思解释:(One only)语出《论语·里仁》:“子曰:‘参乎!吾道一以贯之。’曾子曰:‘唯。’”后因以“一唯”谓应诺迅速,全无疑问。谓完全听从。 谓完全听从。




in · of the analects of confucius benevolence : White glair ' ginseng! I one with be linked together. ' does Ceng Zi say:  ā  ! Bake bath of Kuo of large bamboo hat is made smooth with a rake shake ā province of part of the day of Tuan of  of  of Ni of lever of the my flute that receive ε ! Ton of bursa of Mang of fat of yo of Man bless imprison Yan Zi asks eye, it is Ceng Zi of the; when begin to learn however one only, when aged maturity also. also call to comply with completely. is strike the table engraved first amazed roll 10: Hold cochlea  Yun high

