bù shù
意思解释:(Cloth is narrated)书信用语。陈述。
Cloth B ù is used at cotton cloth cloth shoe nylon cloth etc. ② is used at announce billing distributing dispersed decorate alms giving etc. A kind of coin of ③ ancient time. ④ surname. cloth a variant form of a Chinese character of ② . [Jian Fan concerns] cloth it is echoism word so, acoustical accord with already did not look to go out now, original meaning is with the plant...
布组词、述组词、 自来、推班、于铄、祖丧、沙蓬、渟澄、背囊、大旅、宿命、晚点、亲临、钓溪、尽思、耗土、嗣训、火力、骏誉、贬弹、布述、边军、