
shā péng

意思解释:(Sha Peng)一年生草本植物。茎由基部分枝。叶披针形至线形,具刺状尖头。花两性,成腋生短穗状花序。果实近圆形,两面扁平。多生于沙丘和沙地。幼嫩植株作羊和骆驼饲料。种子可食,并可榨油供食用。亦名东廧。




< name > the wildlife that grows on sandy soil ground. Jin Yu. Unconscious Yi overcomes clear alliance, Tumote inside banner. the blame of oxen and hores-beeasts of burden that climbs the song chooses · to pull long-term hired hand to suffer : Ah Juan of a keeper of domestic animals of  of  of reef of a small tinkling bell of  vertebra Ang shine display swim ㄋ  lives! ā of exhausted  ┎ is crossed sincere feeling just that clump ~ seems to fall from the day, all round on lump, besides some outside wormwood of few and far between bitter Ai Sha, ...

