
huī lǜ

意思解释:(Grey law)古代置芦苇灰于表示十二律的玉管内,每月当节气,中律的管内的灰就会自行飞出,以之占验时序,谓之“灰律”。




(The powdery substance that after 1) material burns adequately, remains. history biographies of plan of the chelonian that write down · : Billabong of razor clam of  of Huai Xi of the move that install suddenly corrupts Liang  carves Huan   Jie Lian stops! Those attain  bets thorough of joke of Jiu of gadolinium  handsome こ to twist between Tan Xiao, mast scull ~ flying smoke destroys. (2) dust, bilge. Land machine elegiac : Unplug Yin of  of thin umbrella of  of  of Ka of cake  Chi is used up! Does fourth blain of  of pain or numbness caused by cold dregs of rice  treasure

