zài fú
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Does the potion of Chinese traditional medicine make take: Decoct of of of any of several hot spice plants two take (medicine) / boil 3 take (medicine) Dr ∥ left 5 take drug, decoct 3 take ate, disease is good. / she this kind of chronic, do not eat on a few taking a decoction of medicinal ingredients is not to look to give the effect. [clew] take ù of falling tone F is read when making measure word, do not read ú of rising tone F. ...
在组词、服组词、 奉烦、二料、幽镜、渥味、什篇、一意、鹤舟、普覃、肃谒、滋动、大封、饮客、近浅、运舶、村原、酣畅、髧右、四清、在服、漫兴、