sì nán
意思解释:(4 difficult)四件困难的事情。 指难于并得的良辰、美景、赏心、乐事四者。语出南朝宋谢灵运《拟魏太子邺中集诗序》:“天下良辰、美景、赏心、乐事,四者难并。” 中医学术语。指形气相失、色夭不泽、脉实以坚、脉逆四时四种难治之症。
4 kinds hold gotten good thing concurrently hard. Does the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties thank effective use poem of the collect in drafting Wei Taizi Ye 8 foreword : Scar illuminate calumniate of ⒚ of aluminous Ji Jian ah ⑸ holds ⅰ of make one's rounds of Qin of angry of of copy ⒗ simple approach in the palm! Fat of of silk ribbon of bogus of short Xie of mansion of those kiss to bring up tasteful childe 4 difficult and, more Yin Qingyi makes alcove. ② 4 hard works. does · of business gentleman book say civilian : of of dam laborious
四组词、难组词、 含辱、外班、钧衡、龙转、泫流、连票、枚进、完满、久几、分镳、躲匿、显擢、交用、讨试、鳞浪、本故、君陈、于然、四难、四隐、