liù wēi
意思解释:(6 small)指臣下六种微妙幽隐之事。 古代研究人体病变原理的术语。《素问》有《六微旨大论篇》,姚止庵题解云:“天有六气,人有三阴三阳,上下相应,变化于是乎生,疾病于是乎起;其旨甚微,故曰六微旨大论也。”因以“六微”指医道。
Bao Duo shakes Qing Han, jin Lun forces violet small. of embroider of numerous sweet assemble, door leaf of 9 class open fining jade. Le Piao issues celestial being for nothing, smallpox miscellaneous rain flies. of of confused of 10 thousand form, 1000 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi turn Gao Wei. Photograph of cage Zuo thunderbolt is stimulated, enter the sea...
六组词、微组词、 隽武、菀浊、而降、辞谒、顿觉、正客、刊石、对质、厉骛、因此、窑器、缦乐、流辈、芦锥、明举、骁壮、追兵、抵捂、六微、寒荒、