
diàn zuì

意思解释:(Hall most)古代考核政绩或军功,下等称为“殿”,上等称为“最”。 泛指等级的高低上下。 考课;评比。




Ancient time assesses achievement in one's post or milistary exploit, say classily most , say coarsely hall . does anthology · class originally < answer does guest make fun of > : Elaborate of 8 Su Yan fines silk disease of Tou of closely question of Shan of Tao Tuan of  of  of tamper of stitch the sole to the upper of Jia of ぴ of end ǎ harding iron! Funny He of  of ⒁ of collapse ruthenium chart as kind of bag Zi Sui on result say most, next result say hall. the meaning that extend the meaning fluctuates for on any account. Land machine Wen Fu : Fly Song of envy Tou Ban

