zhū jiōng
意思解释:(Bright red a bolt or hook for fastening a door from outside)朱门。
(The bolt that 1) closes from outside. Bao Zhao is city of overgrown with weeds endowed with : Tan1huan4 of of Piao of Meng of of of ぃ of leave uncovered of of of Ang haying imprints! Be opposite by chart Xi excuse me the Jun that photograph close, solid ~ , the intelligence of one person, of the person that cannot get the better of what the world is about to get numerous. (2) is shut. Kong Zhi boreal Shan Yiwen :
朱组词、扃组词、 羁挂、翻撷、骇机、墟市、告终、曲谅、丙明、葡萄、抚景、粥糜、聒吵、窝气、欧梅、上下、比目、失火、怠慢、淘米、朱扃、黯黕、