xiāo yīng wǔ
鸮鹦鹉:(Strigops habroptila)世界上寿命最长的鸟类之一,鹦鹉科、鸮鹦鹉属的鸟类。
1、鸮鹦鹉是一种夜行性鹦鹉,全身披上黄绿色的细点,是新西兰的特有种。体长59-64厘米,体重2-4千克。 2、鸮鹦鹉有一对相对短的翅膀,并缺少了鸟类控制飞行肌肉的龙骨,它是世上唯一一种不会飞行的鹦鹉,体型冠绝同类。 3、夜行性、草食性,表现出两性异形的身体结构,基础代谢率缓慢,雄性不负责照顾幼小,也是唯一一种实行一夫多妻制、并实行求偶场交配制度的鹦鹉。 4、鸮鹦鹉主要是草食性,吃原生的植物、种子、果实及花粉等。 5、鸮鹦鹉是世界上寿命最长的鸟类之一,寿命可达58年。分布于新西兰南部、司图尔特岛和其它岛屿。
1. The kakapo is a nocturnal parrot with yellow green dots all over its body, which is endemic to New Zealand. Its body length is 59-64cm and its weight is 2-4kg 2. The kakapo has a pair of relatively short wings, and lacks the keel for birds to control the flight muscles. It is the only parrot in the world that can not fly, and its size is unparalleled 3. The nocturnal and herbivorous parrot shows a hermaphroditic body structure with a slow basal metabolic rate. The male is not responsible for taking care of young people. It is also the only parrot that practices polygamy and courtship field mating system.
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关注 · 105鸮鹦鹉(Strigops habroptila)简介:世界上寿命最长的鸟类之一,鹦鹉科、鸮鹦鹉属的鸟类。...
关注 · 191