xún huán sài zhì
循环赛制:(Round robin system)每个队都能和其他队比赛一次或两次,最后按成绩计算名次。
1、单循环赛制,是指所有参赛队在竞赛中均能相遇一次,最后按各队在竞赛中的得分多少、胜负场次来排列名次。单循环由于参加竞赛的各队都有相遇比赛的机会,是一种比较公平合理的比赛制度。 2、双循环是所有参赛队伍在竞赛中均能相遇两次,最后按各队在竞赛中得分多少,胜负场次来排列名次,一般是在参赛队不太多,竞赛时间较长时采用。 3、分组循环赛是指在参赛人员数或参赛队比较多的时候,可以通过分组的方法,在各组内进行单循环。一般在事先确定种子选手或种子队,使种子选手或种子队分入各组,以免强手或强队集中。
1. The single round robin competition system refers to that all teams can meet once in the competition, and finally rank according to their scores and the number of wins and losses in the competition. Single cycle is a fair and reasonable competition system because all teams participating in the competition have the opportunity to meet each other 2. Double cycle means that all teams can meet twice in the competition, and finally rank according to the score of each team in the competition and the number of victories and losses. Generally, it is used when there are not many teams and the competition time is long.
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关注 · 147循环赛制(Round robin system)简介:每个队都能和其他队比赛一次或两次,最后按成绩计算名次。...
关注 · 127