hēi zhuāng
意思解释:(Black makeup)古代妇人以杉木灰研末抹其额,或饰眉。
(1) is decorated, dress up. Bai Juyi does the lute go : Gather up Zhao lies province of Lang of Tan of sulphur of collate of arrogate to oneself of of of the that cast aside Europe! The adornment of2) woman. lily magnolia poem : of beauty of Pa of saddle ㈡ ⑽ standing tall and upright by of Ю Che shank! Thin
黑组词、妆组词、 北闱、误诒、林莽、自艾、大厉、浅妙、时品、字札、哀怛、犂元、兼听、譬使、疏朗、弘阔、拥隔、携爽、循常、迷密、层深、黑妆、