
běi wéi

意思解释:(Boreal a side gate of an imperial palace)明堂的北门。 明清科举制对顺天(今北京市)乡试的通称。




The ministry can try Ming Daili take an examination of a room, weigh ceremony a side gate of an imperial palace. Hong Xi the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (1425) , room of cent of person north person is taken south in, quota of people has calm, call south a side gate of an imperial palace, north a side gate of an imperial palace. Xuan De, lineal, divide again south, north, medium a side gate of an imperial palace. The suitable weather rural area of Beijing tries tribute courtyard, also say boreal a side gate of an imperial palace of; Nanjing should weather rural area tries tribute courtyard, Clear generation...

