kē gòng
意思解释:(Division tribute)科举制度中,府州县举荐人才进入国子监习业,谓之“科贡”。后亦泛指科举。 指贡生。
Hundred years field house goes at the beginning of the thing, star of one evening article gets together Beijing of the Supreme Being. Leopard canal dare peep day corporal, who occupies bibcock day edge name. Extremely good-tempered the mouth talks current affairs, the garment by condition of emperor of lifelong carry on one's shoulder. Wish to get true Ruzunming advocate, ...
科组词、贡组词、 渴羌、遗诫、叫喜、嗟哦、要得、打包、撑目、贵阳、便辟、坐探、祖生、锭铁、房从、夸尚、豆秧、供祭、惴怯、小齿、出器、科贡、