sān yú
意思解释:(More than 3)《三国志·魏志·王肃传》“明帝时大司农弘农、董遇等,亦历注经传,颇传于世”裴松之注引三国魏鱼豢《魏略》:“遇言:'﹝读书﹞当以三余。'或问三余之意。遇言'冬者岁之余,夜者日之余,阴雨者时之余也'。”后以“三余”泛指空闲时间。 指余干、余姚、余杭三县。
3 Duan Xianyu time. Person of encourage of in order to cherishs time, learn conscientiously. When emperor of Wei Ming of the Three Kingdoms, greatly department farming Dong Yubo learns much ability. He ever gave father had made note, right Zun Chuan also have original opinion. A lot of people do obeisance to him to be division, he always lets students read 100 times first. Do some students complain say: Bay flinch the heart knocks Suo of cook a meal to go straight towards of Wei Lao Ju ...
三组词、余组词、 讥笑、逊遁、漆身、纳坦、苟安、宝校、点兵、冰容、台估、火母、激触、竺国、酸豏、记籍、浪海、走滚、尸袭、卖傲、至心、三余、