
wéi nà

意思解释:(Dimension that)[梵语Karma-dāna]音译“羯磨陀那”,意译“授事”。佛寺中一种僧职。管理僧众事务,位次于上座、寺主。 佛教寺院中的职称,为三纲之一。负责掌管僧众内外事务,并在早晚课时担任起腔唱 诵、敲引磬领众的事宜。




Should be Jie grinds Tuo that , point to the person of the general affairs in department manage temple, namely alleged the person that give a job . send return pass 4: Tiao of  of Lu of basketry banter brandish opens provide for ネ is deep and remote just pleasant of passenger liner of honest of calamity of cheese of badger of  of approach of scabbard of ナ of provide for of  of grave of scabbard of M deep and remote scabbard plans Le of admire of  of part of the day of Chen Shu > and ill N  invades large bamboo hat of cyanogen of scabbard of  of  of Tang of column of badger of Yi Zheng  !

