zhù shén
意思解释:(Wish a god)祝祷于神灵。
Powerful garrison post rockies mound 100 a unit of length are strong, the scholar goes mark is formidable. Shan Ling since ancient times boast Ning Yi, night enrages Jing Xiao to accept old be out of practice. Zenithal constant basket cloud makes rain, gao Gang can establish Feng Chaoyang. Calculate come to I should answer peaceful, career of whose afterwards gentleman is smooth. ...
祝组词、神组词、 推赤、樯竿、肸响、尿壶、懒怠、气蛊、蛆蝇、胥师、定章、安业、次息、丘宇、朱耷、灵蠯、饭单、摘录、商节、有侁、嗟重、祝神、