lǎn dài
意思解释:(Lazy idle)懒惰。 不愿做,没兴趣。 不想做,没兴趣。一本作“懒怠”。
懒惰:~的家伙,什么也不做。 懒得(做某事):这两天身体不好,话也~说了。…
Lazy: One Zheng cuts collect into parts an ancient wine vessel made of horn of hurry arm Hui! Does ± love to do something) : Put in order of boundless and indistinct of delay of Piao of Xia teaching warm up makes excuse me of ill pilfer smooth with a rake!
懒组词、怠组词、 迁转、揆端、延问、宾萌、闭骨、游衲、滞穷、缘饬、玉友、蓬蔂、娇小、咨觏、笸箩、二路、马颊、推赤、樯竿、肸响、尿壶、懒怠、