bō dài
意思解释:(Earthen bowl bag)亦作“钵帒”。 犹衣钵。佛教中由师授徒表示传法的袈裟和钵。引申为传授下来的思想、学术、技能等。
The source sees legacy according to legend . Show buddhism passes the alms bowl of the law and cassock formerly, the thought that extend the meaning is inheritance of photograph of general division apprentice after, learning, skill. Does Song Liu swim show child Yu poetic: Unplug of of Т of of appropriate corridor dimming Υ angries have a nightmare of of north of bell bend so as to breakstubborn is thin! Nose Piao masts have enough thighing ピ of little bag Meng mirrors of of fat Xing earthen bowl bag, legacy of cloud of You Chanjia place also. Alone puts Weng Shichang...
钵组词、袋组词、 辍简、孩气、夭疾、四城、溷索、冲霄、洋兵、春恨、作别、林榔、扶整、苗裔、高居、负文、构肆、跃立、病守、白田、诞告、钵袋、