liù pèi
意思解释:(6 bridle)辔,缰绳。古一车四马,马各二辔,其两边骖马之内辔系于轼前,谓之軜,御者只执六辔。《诗·秦风·小戎》:“四牡孔阜,六辔在手。”孔颖达疏:“四马八辔,而经传皆言六辔,明有二辔当系之。马之有辔者,所以制马之左右,令之随逐人意。骖马欲入,则逼于胁驱,内辔不须牵挽,故知纳者,纳骖内辔系于轼前,其系之处以白金为觼也。”后以指称车马或驾驭车马。
Bridle, bridle. Ancient time the car of 4 horses, every horse has two bridle each, share 8 bridle, but because of both sides of two horses inside before bridle is fastened in Shi, in drive person of the hand only 6 bridle . Xiaorong of · of wind of poetic · the Qin Dynasty : Go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married of 8 where grieve punishs to lie banter frame! Thin
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