
wǎn fàn

意思解释:( meal)晩上吃饭。 晚上吃的饭。




(1) eats, have a meal. is · of the analects of confucius narrated and : Ah  of  of  of  of  Fang constant  oh favour of flatter of faithful Beng of  of  anchor  washing with watercolors imprints! Does the exhausted thorough that draw out せ twist Yi of ┛ of ぞ of frame of hawk of brand of ailing line of the  that kill cure by who to ask: of  of Peng of heart of  of cherry of  harmonious bowstring (2) gives... the meal has, hello. history biographies of Hou of shade of the Huaihe River that write down · :  of obituary of dam favour barren occasionally ⅲ   is pigheaded! mother:

