jī jié
意思解释:(Accumulate a section)谓多有战事。《战国策·秦策三》:“楚破,秦不能与齐县衡矣。秦三世积节于韩魏,而齐之德新加。”鲍彪注:“节,犹事也。言累有战伐之事。”一说,积往来之节。见吴师道补正引刘辰翁语。
Accumulate J ī to be used at accumulate the saving many a little makes a mickle etc. ② is used at inveterate long-standing abuse bad old practices die hard etc. ③ is used at dyspepsia the grandma is accumulated a method of treating children's digestive disorders by kneading or massaging the muscles along the spine etc. ④ is used at product . Er accumulate the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] Er it is echoism word, form accord with is standing grain, acoustical accord with is Zuo , original meaning is accumulation...
积组词、节组词、 缠扰、费役、病狂、旋转、枉结、顺俗、笙舞、崖坎、景深、艰厄、亢进、王瑞、险丑、防勇、机事、慌罔、门向、颜乌、罗畏、积节、