
liù jié

意思解释:(6)古卿大夫朝聘天子诸侯,或吏民通行他国,用作凭证的六种信物。节,符信。 谓马之行止进退驰骤的节度。 谓好、恶、喜、怒、哀、乐六情。




Abridge, fu Jie. 6 kinds of Fu Jie that hold when pass a test of road of ancient act on one's behalf. small pedestrian of · of autumn official of week ceremony · : By a unit of weight used in ancient China illuminate annulus anxious  of  of   grave does not have ⒔ grave   of grave of  of be ignorant of of  of Lian of  of grave of illicit of cool  bud breaks road of of the  that jump over snipe to use part of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast, the door closes the red-letter day that use symbol, despise the section that use a pipe, all do it with bamboo. does Zheng Xuan note:

