
sān tái

意思解释:(3)星名。 喻三公。 指 三国 魏 曹操 所建 铜雀台、金虎台、冰井台。故址在今 河北 临漳县 三台村。




Tang Jiaofang music, with for tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of Chinese poetry. Ancient bronze mirror of Feng of the Sichuan before the Five Dynasties add thing only then cloud: of  of  of Fei of  of clear of  of cover of  of sip of the sneeze that hold writing high is Shi Yu history, turn Shi Shu drive history, change a high official in ancient China, all previous saves) 3 times, an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads with swing of dawn of another name for Nanning, make 3 Qu Yiyue another name for Nanning, hope its are thick involuntary discharge of urine.

