jiā fù
意思解释:(Add an abdomen)东汉严光与光武帝刘秀少时同游学。秀即帝位后,光变姓名隐遁。秀派人觅访,征召到京,授谏议大夫,不受。因共偃卧,光以足加帝腹上。事详《后汉书·逸民传·严光》。后遂用为典实。
[Provenance] art article kind get together coil to bring advance · to supposition beforehand meeting Ji Dianlu . [Paraphrase] Yan Zun (namely Yan Guang, word child hill) young when ever was the same as past Chang'an attend school with Liu Xiu. After Liu Xiu weighs the Supreme Being, recruit Yan Zun and fete is entertained, with couch Mian. On the abdomen that when Yan Zunshou sleeps, builds the base in Liu Xiu. The following day, too history report achieve has guest star affront the Supreme Being sits, liu...
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