bái qí tún
意思解释:(white-flag dolphin)中国特有的一种小型淡水鲸。
中国一级保护动物。身体呈纺锤形,全身皮肤裸露无毛,具长吻。白鱀豚已存在有 530 万年,喜欢群居,视听器官严重退化,声纳系统特别灵敏,能在水中探测和识别物体。白鱀豚是恒温动物,用肺呼吸,被誉为水中大熊猫,现已功能性灭绝。是哺乳纲、鲸目的一种水生哺乳动物。体呈纺锤形,体长1.5-2.5米,体重可达230千克。吻部似鸟喙般向前伸出,窄而长,吻尖略向上翘,约30厘米。额顶显著隆起,鼻孔长在头顶,呼吸时,头部先出水,喷出的水花不高。眼极小,在口角后上方。耳孔呈针眼状。背鳍三角形,鳍肢较宽,末端钝圆,尾鳍呈新月形。体表背面呈青灰色,腹面为白色,尾鳍并不出水。主要生活在中国长江中下游及与其连通的洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、钱塘江等水域中。
First class protected animals in China. The body is spindle shaped, with naked and hairless skin and long snout. The Baiji has existed for 5.3 million years. It likes to live in groups. Its audio-visual organs are seriously degraded. The sonar system is particularly sensitive and can detect and identify objects in water. The Baiji is a thermostatic animal that breathes with its lungs. It is known as the giant panda in the water and has become functionally extinct. It is an aquatic mammal of Mammalia and Cetacea.
白组词、鳍组词、豚组词、 临迩、式序、违舍、籸盆、笔胆、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器