chōng shí
意思解释:(Contented)内容充足不虚。 富足。 犹充盈。参见“充盈”。
Body is substantial; is enough. [illustrative sentence] the character is fluent, content ~ . [synonymous] see sufficient . [turn over justice] indigent; is empty [illustrative sentence] the corporeal living conditions that should change ~ already, also want to create contented cultural life environment. ② is moved make enough; is strengthened. [illustrative sentence] choose is outstanding team of talent ~ teacher. [synonymous] see compensatory ...
充组词、实组词、 神奥、杰黠、进忠、森植、工牌、厌然、器狭、番悔、服闻、号簿、抱景、陵柏、济国、浮艳、蜚蓬、的情、骄謇、积庆、推案、充实、