hú cān
意思解释:(Crock eat)用壶盛的汤饭或其他熟食。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Basically use at a several: of metric food Holiday of of locust bastinado eats two food / every eat has piscine shrimp / the may not that meat meat drinks gruel ∥ to eat has meal one day, this feed is broomcorn skin nevertheless, do not have even pig dog, even has a bowl small only. / what a day of 3 meal have is become known rice. / here meat meat is big fish...
壶组词、餐组词、 毒虫、亲慝、朴学、装胖、猒胜、垢纷、臭败、恒士、周邵、淹迟、杖楚、打战、柔从、纠戾、介妇、鹤戏、郡将、危怖、硕虑、壶餐、