
zhuān yè

意思解释:(Professional)高等学校的一个系里或中等专业学校里的学业门类。 生产部门的各业务部门。 高等学校或中等专业学校所分的学业门类。


 高等学校的一个系里或中等专业学校里,根据科学分工或生产部门的分工把学业分成的门类:~课~知识物理~本校设有十个系,三十四个~。 产业部门中根据产品生产的不同过程而分成的各业务部分:~分工~…


In a department of colleges and universities or in the trade school, the class: that the division of labor that divide the work according to science or produces a section divides school work  of  lofty  paragraph You of  of Xing of Lu of I of arrest of imprison rancorring  carries  of an ancient wine vessel made of horn of mother of    ! 〔  blocks a  of Xian of fat lax  to fly breed of  of pool of  of  of   Mou Huang is foolish ~ of division of labor of ~ of branny of insane of mother Tao drop...

