
diào qiào

意思解释:(Tone censures)犹调笑。




Also make quiet, spruce, high and steep. Still muddy. Easy fall all alone (see beautiful weather just about) : Stop  of Liang of ü of Ci Chuanghuai  of Fa of rancorring W of Hui of cut off from of  of N of  of soot of ㄌ of  strong Chinese toon tells Suan of ㄒ of Chinese toon of the ⒖ that call out Suan! Does nose Zuo block Chu Dianyun of of   shank up to close) : Gather up Ч of Shan of  of stalk of yellow be angry of left-eyed flounder of ┭ of ⒏ of Mou Huan  is pigheaded! Not does idle of house of pool of of umbrella of Lv of   funny box coagulate eye) :

