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意思解释:(Bandit E)《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:“蓼蓼者莪,匪莪伊蒿。哀哀父母,生我劬劳。”孔颖达疏:“以己二亲今且病亡,身在役中,不得侍养,精神昏乱,故视物不察也。”莪,蒿之一种,茎抱根而生,俗称抱娘蒿。后遂借指对父母的悼念。




The source sees knotweed E is useless tell . is poetic · small E of elegant · knotweed : Sha of afraid of  of go against the river of  of ping  of ふ of barnyard grass ま ! Stupid child shellfish spade with oneself 2 close today and disease dies, it is personally in battle, do not get serve to raise, spirit is raddled, reason looks matter not examine also. E, one of Hao are planted, the bine holds a root in the arms and be born, common says to hold woman Hao in the arms. Borrow after those who point to pair of decease parents is deep-felt grieve over. Tang Bai house is easy with...

