yù gē
意思解释:(Yu song)古代举行饫礼时所唱的歌。
The song that sings when the banquet. below mandarin · Zhou Yu : of of elder brother of pa Cong ' the place of the day is raised, cannot bad also. Its place is bad, also cannot raise also. ' king of former times fierce overcomes abundant and make this poetry also, think Yu song. Of the name say , with the person after involuntary discharge of urine, make always inspect Yan. does Wei Zhao note: Ping of of bright those of of pa Cong is ill! Thin
饫组词、歌组词、 论斩、烘腾、车行、品次、邃林、萋迷、火珠、共契、朝权、庄老、漫园、皂快、档案、霜涛、新旅、玉鼎、濯澡、风评、角节、饫歌、