zhuāng lǎo
意思解释:(The place of business is old)《庄子》和《老子》。均为道家的代表作。 庄周 和 老聃。
Low is tall already old everythings on earth is irritated, hold in the arms to the person defend true yuan. Its wind Er like that evil but character, dan makes deities is put alone like that. Have not forefathers person self-respect, have have without do not have clever door. Have Yu She Shifan without Tibet, it is commend only then namely day root. With deep in order to make an appointment with...
庄组词、老组词、 蚕渔、贱房、熏腾、蕰藉、高坚、楚雨、对应、衔头、筑版、持觞、论斩、烘腾、车行、品次、邃林、萋迷、火珠、共契、朝权、庄老、