
kuāng è

意思解释:(Correct evil)纠正过失。语出《孝经·事君》:“将顺其美,匡救其恶。”唐玄宗注:“匡,正也;救,止也。君有过恶,则正而止之。”




gentleman of thing of · of filial piety classics : On the thing of gentleman of white glair also, enter Sai Jinzhong, retreat think of had filled, will arrange its beauty, correct save its evil. hind because of with suitable beauty is corrected evil call eulogize beautiful be apt to, rectify error. Xie of Liu of bridge of the Southern Dynasties Wen Xindiao dragon · bright poem : Sunken bask in Γ  to sentence leech └ crowded by bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase too health be defeated heart, 5 child salty complain. Suitable beauty is corrected evil, its come long. ...

