
fèng lì

意思解释:(Phoenix all previous)《左传·昭公十七年》:“我高祖少皥挚之立也,凤鸟适至,故纪于鸟,为鸟师而鸟名,凤鸟氏,历正也。”后因用“凤历”称岁历。含有历数正朔之意。




is the left clear that pass · fair seventeen years carry: the official that Mou takes an examination of second emperor to protect dysentery of hand of Qia of  amine Tan to protect  room to read of  of  of  of Ni of  of vent in the sides of a garment to provide all previous job now) for Feng Diao. It is because of weighing all previous after phoenix all previous , much in order to calls new dynasty all previous of change the designation of an imperial reign, contain enumerate to reach new the meaning of new moon. Yu Xin Zhao Xiale of · of song of week ancestral temple : Thin

