
xì shǐ

意思解释:(Qie Shi)亦作“郄始”。 开始,初始。郄,通“隙”。




(1) is the same as Zuo . Interstitial, interstitial. a surname child is · endowed with : Does  of Tuan of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of my Xu  obtain of smile of general of pagoda tree of  of ǘ of  of bluff  Ge (force: of beautiful jade  history the Feng Tang biographies of the Zhang Shi that write down · : Celestial being of excessive of Hu of  of Lu of  of take along sth to sb of zinc of apricot of basketry a legendary venomous insect washing with watercolors is received escape small  ! 2) enmity, soulful crack. history write down · to leave Hou Shijia :

