lǐ jūn
意思解释:(Li Jun)指里长。《逸周书·尝麦》:“乃命百姓遂享于家,无思民疾,供百享,归祭闾率、里君,以为之资野。”朱右曾校释:“闾率、里君,《周礼》谓之闾胥,里宰。”《管子·小匡》:“择其贤民,使为里君。”一说,周代指比较崇要的官职。
The another name that the county makes. Also say a hunderd li is slaughtered . Li Bai give Zhang Gongzhou change place person poetic: of a small ingot of gold or silver of the Luo before hole of of of of of my ひ diameter! Times gull Α herd Bi fears fat of of cluck of Xian all slaughter for a hunderd li, be like 6 bring assistant officer. ...
里组词、君组词、 边馆、借问、勾卒、土蜂、树檖、贫细、称托、助手、双方、束锦、恶戏、赍材、闻样、宪准、代茶、凶诐、蹲身、栏船、鞭蹬、里君、