hóu bù
意思解释:(Hou not)何不。
也作“飞将难封”、“李广难封”等。侯:封侯。西汉时,大将李广,精于骑射,骁勇(xiāo yǒng,勇猛)善战,汉文帝十四年(公元166年),随文帝征讨匈奴。他英勇善战,曾与猛兽格斗。文帝见他勇敢过人,赞叹道:“可惜你没生在高祖皇帝之时…
Also make it is difficult to fly , Li An is sealed hard etc. Hou: He of Jie of Piao Sui N protects Gu of Qu to be contrary to Ng of ǒ of Y of of O of ā ofxi of Xie of of clear of the blade of a sword of flatter, bold and powerful) battle of be apt to, han Wendi 14 years (the Christian era 166 years of) , denounce Hun along with Wen Dizheng. Battle of his heroism be apt to, fistfight of Ceng Yumeng animal. Article emperor sees he is brave and outstanding, highly praise: Fly on does of reed n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor shame well is of Biao solid big pool thin
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