sè yǎng
意思解释:(Color is raised)《论语·为政》:“子游问孝。子曰:'今之孝者,是谓能养。'……子夏问孝。子曰:'色难。'”朱熹集注:“色难,谓事亲之际,惟色为难也。”一说,谓承顺父母颜色。何晏集解引包咸曰:“色难者,谓承顺父母颜色乃为难也。”后因称人子和颜悦色奉养父母或承顺父母颜色为“色养”。 后因称人子和颜悦色奉养父母或承顺父母颜色为“色养”。后因称人子和颜悦色奉养父母或承顺父母颜色为“色养”。
Call to use up the path of support sb with cheerful color. · of the analects of confucius is politics : of glair of W of ⅰ of city of Bai You Nai ' look is hard. Occupied, child takes its work, have food and drink, gentleman food, be ever to think filial piety ' melt of Bao Xian, horse is color of Cheng Shunfu's mother. Zheng Xuan thinks with a kind and pleasant countenance is embarrassed also. 2 say to all can be connected, zheng Shui is like longer. Zhu Xi is noted also say from Zheng. ...
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