
qīng qī

意思解释:(Small bully)蔑视和欺侮。


 欺骗:~瞒自~~人童叟无~。 欺负:~生~人太甚。  语汇欺负 欺哄 欺诳 欺凌欺瞒 欺蒙 欺弄 欺骗 欺辱欺生 欺罔 欺侮 欺压 欺诈欺行霸市 欺软怕硬 欺世盗名自欺欺人 瞒上欺下 仗…


Beguiling:  of  of  beard bath sends  to long for Qu  ! ~ of ∑ Zou lays ~ person too very. Vocabulary bullies bully to fool bully Kuang ride roughshod over lane of delusive befool bully cheats bully of bully disgrace bully or cheat strangers not bully bully and oppress is con bully goes bully city gain fame by deceiving the public of bully the weak and fear the strong deceives oneself as well as others deceive those above and bully those below battles...

