duì gē
意思解释:(Team song)即《中国少年先锋队队歌》。原名《我们是共产主义接班人》。周郁辉词,寄明曲。歌曲体现了少先队组织的性质和任务,表达了少先队员做共产主义接班人的信念和理想。
〈名〉 原专指中国少年先锋队队歌。也指某一团体组织制定的代表本队的歌曲。◇笔者已离队30年了,此番重温少先队队歌时,禁不住热泪沾襟。(人民日报.1995.6.10)◇可是他最后总会坐进体育场,伴随着他钟爱的球队共同经历风雨,他…
< renown > point to Chinese teenager vanguard only formerly team song. The represents this team song that also shows some incorporation is made. ◇ author already drop out 30 years, this when reviewing song of Young Pioneers team, be unable to bear or endure hot tear touchs front of a garment. (◇ of People's Daily.1995.6.10) can be he can sit always finally into stadium, the team that companion dotes on as him experiences harships jointly, he...
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