
yào chá

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指治理国家的关键在于抓住要领。语出《商君书·农战》:“故圣人明君者,非能尽其万物也,知万物之要也。故其治国也,察要而已矣。”[例] “故其~矣”。这段话着重指出领导者必须把握住繁复事物的共同的规律,即根本的问题。…


Show the key that governs a country depends on capturing essentials. Language piece farming battle of · of business gentleman book :  of  of Liu of leech of  of  of Bo of Mo of leech of Xie of ∑ of Yan of quiet of  of Lu of  of Di of heir of Ang comfortable ト is ill 9 situation washs with watercolors cliff of  of  of Bao of  of the Bo that feed  imprints! Bao exemple]   reason its ~ . This paragraph of word emphasizes the common law that points out the leader must hold thing of heavy and complicated, namely basic problem. ...

