
pín chǎn

意思解释:(Deficient is produced)贫民的田产。


贪产: 贪占产业。惜产: 死守产业。指对财产贪占或死守不舍的,都会受穷受困,不得自在。诫人不可贪占,也不可吝啬。明·姚舜牧《药言》:“谚云:‘贪产贫,惜产穷。’此言大是有味。田地多,难照管,薄薄可供衣食足矣。”…


Corrupt produce: √ stops industry of defend to the last of of Р of O of disease  idle. Show pair of belongings are corrupt occupy or defend to the last does not abandon, can suffer end tired, must not comfortable. Commandment person cannot be had an insatiable desire for occupy, also cannot grudge. Shun Mu of bright · Yao medical speech : Xia ' corrupt produce deficient, cherish produces end. ' this character is to have taste greatly. Cropland is much, difficult in charge of, thin Bao Ke offers back and belly sufficient. ...

