cóng tuó
意思解释:(Cong Tuo)亦作“从槖”。 谓负橐簪笔,以备顾问。亦指文学侍从之臣。语出《汉书·赵充国传》:“安世(张安世)本持橐簪笔事孝武帝数十年。”颜师古注引张晏曰:“橐,契囊也。近臣负橐簪笔,从备顾问,或有所纪也。”
The source sees hairpin as kind of bag . Call negative a kind of bag hairpin pen, with equipment adviser. Also point to the official that literature attendantses. Ke Zhuang of Liu of the Song Dynasty phoenix cabinet word: Amusement of Qiu of of Jia of ∩ of of of of case ∪ Zhuo shakes! Those is grasped involve excessive rare group of Mang of collection buttock pigheaded fat fair ascend Cong Tuo, the madam still ins good health. ...
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